The first thing we do is set up a meeting where we discuss the project and gather basic information. This is a promotional meeting for Keppers Design, so there is no cost or obligation to you.
If it's practical, I prefer to have this meeting at the proposed site or your existing home. This is most important for remodel projects, since the nature of the existing building is critical to the project. But even in new construction it makes it easy to show me first hand the things you like - or dislike - about your current space.
The conversation can be quite wide-ranging. The site is always important - the building has to fit on the lot, in a way that takes advantage of opportunities or and turns challenges into opportunities. We talk about rooms - which ones you might need, how big they should be, and how they should be related to each other. We talk about your stylistic preferences. And of course we discuss the nuts and bolts of how a home should be put together - insulation types, window options, and interior preferences.
Some people have strong opinions about these things, and some aren’t quite sure about the details but have a good general impression of what they want. At this first meeting, I gather information and get a good general sense of your needs.
You’ll also get to know me better. I’ll show you some examples of my work, and answer any questions you may have about my experience or how I work.